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  • Protecting & Supporting Business

  • Having a seat at the right table is important when doing business!

    For this reason, the Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce works to build, maintain, and cultivate relationships with local, state, and government officials. 

    More often than not, the Chamber is one of the first calls made when important legislation is on the table. The Chamber looks to its business members when deciding to either support or fight legislation.

    When legislative issues arise, we get behind or fight for legislation with a pro-business agenda. As specific issues arise, the Anderson Area Chamber's Board of Directors vote on whether or not to fight or endorse an issue.

    The more members invested in the Chamber of Commerce, gives strength to the organization with a larger voice when dealing with legislation.

    Each year, a legislative agenda is drafted with the direction and input of the Chamber's Public Policy Committee. This committee is made up of area businesses, professionals, and elected officials who meet on a monthly basis. 

    Over the years, the Chamber has lobbied for many activities that increase the economic stability of the area. These include:

    • The widening of I-85 from 4 lanes to 6 lanes. Thus, increasing thru-traffic for the overall area.
    • The lighting of Anderson's major exits: Exit 19, Exit 21 and Exit 27. This increased the overall welcome appeal and hospitality aspect of the area., this bringing more visitors to Anderson County.
    • The 1-Cent Sales Tax Increase, which benefits overall education of local Anderson Area School Districts.
    • Changes in Blue Laws, allowing the sale of alcohol by Restaurants on Sunday.

    Partnering with other Upstate South Carolina Chambers, the Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce supports the Upstate Chamber Coalition which is comprised of 10 county Chambers of Commerce. By partnering with these Upstate Chambers, we work collectively to form our Legislative Agenda annually. This ensures that our voice of business increases - insuring that the voice of business is heard!

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