• Member2Member Deals

  • Please click here for a detailed listing of the participant’s discount and business locations.

    The Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to offer a Member2Member Discount Program, which was created to provide our members with another service to add value to their Chamber membership.

    This program offers a unique combination of promoting member to member buying, boosting sales for our members, and increasing member visibility. Chamber member businesses and their employees are encouraged to patronize fellow members. There are over 700 Chamber member companies representing nearly 35,000 employees, which results in significant purchasing power that can positively impact your business.

    As part of the Member2Member Program, Chamber members and all of their employees are issued a card identifying their membership in the Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce and their eligibility for program discounts.

    Chamber members who offer a discount display a Member2Member decal at their business location identifying them as a participant. Members simply present their card at these participating businesses to receive their discount on many products and services.

    We encourage our members to take advantage of this opportunity to save money, as well as generate new exposure and new clients for your business. If you are interested in adding your business to the list of participants, members can post Coupons and Discounts to this page at no charge. Click Here

  • Upcoming Events

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