Radical Robot Runs
Radical Robot Runs
Join us for an exciting evening of robot runs as three teams compete for the top robot score! All donations will help the following teams fund upcoming competition expenses each one qualified for at the state championship:
Spartans of Toast - Representing S.C. at the FLL Championship
Thunderbolts -Representing S.C. at the FLL Carolinas Open Invitational
Narwhal of Ideas- Representing S.C. at the FLL Razorback InvitationalRadical Robot RunsDate and Time
Monday Mar 23, 2020
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDTMonday, March 23, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:00 pmLocation
Anderson County Library
Multipurpose Rooms B&C
300 North McDuffie Street
Anderson, SCFees/Admission
Donations acceptedContact Information
Anderson County Library 864-260-4500
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